Fractal Reality

Fractal Reality

          The purpose of the cosmic school we call life can be examined by seeing the patterns of fractal reality, by looking at the immediate now. The pattern of the purpose in the now may also be the pattern of the purpose for all eternity.
          If you can see into the profound depths of your motivations and reasons for existence now, you can see it in eternity. What is your purpose right now? Why do you get up in the morning? Why do you go to school or work or play? Why do you do the things you do?
          The pattern is basically simple, at least on our current level of existence. We learn and grow in order to experience value. To live a life worth living. However, as we grow, what we value changes. As a child we may value candy and toys, in our adulthood we may value gourmet meals and real estate. Our values may also change from the material to that of the spiritual. Hopefully, it does. As we evolve spiritually we begin to value personal relationships, creativity, service and communion with the cosmic All and God over material goods and mundane entertainment. But the basic pattern remains the same. We live our lives to choose paths of value in our own lives and in the lives of others.
          As our values evolve, so do we and at a certain point of our progression we are transformed into another form. And we can we see this pattern displayed in nature. The caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, the egg into a chicken, the tadpole into a frog. But how can we know that such natural transformations of animal life work the same way in our spiritual life? We go from being an embryo in our mother's womb to become a child and then an adult, how do we know we will go any further than that? Using our material faculties we cannot and do not know. There is no scientific evidence to prove or disprove of spiritual reality, spiritual evolution and transformation. But our souls know the truth. Our souls know by proof of its very existence and the inference and implications of natural patterns that exist throughout life itself.
          Before a caterpillar metamorphoses into a butterfly, does it have an inkling that it will transform into a different form? Does a tadpole know that it will become a frog? Does an embryo have an idea that it will be born? Are we, as humans, like spiritual embryos, undergoing a metamorphosis so that we can be born as spiritual beings? Can we see any indications in our lives that this may be so? At the same time, can we see in human history, a trend of spiritual progress? That there is rhythm and rhyme to the whole scheme of things? Is there a bigger plan within the scope of all existence that points to an ultimate goal?


The Spiritual Evolution of Civilization

          In taking a broad look at history, we have come a long way. Although savagery and barbarism is still rampant among some of the residents of this planet, we have reached new heights in spiritual and social behavior. Charitable and service organizations exist now where there were none before. Environmental movements and organizations which were unknown before have been created. Human rights, which were totally ignored in ages past have become a byword for societal morality. Even war is regulated, as much as possible, and imperialism is looked down upon by most governments. There is a trend of people being influenced less by the dogmatism of rigid, autocratic religions and becoming more spiritual in a personal way. So yes, there is evidence that spiritual progress is happening on this world, a movement toward unity, harmony and order, as opposed to separatism, dissonance and chaos.
          How would religion and spirituality progress and evolve in our world? What would it be like in the far distant future? If there is a trend, an unfolding plan where humans on this planet slowly become more civilized and more spiritual as well as more intelligent and more technologically advanced, what could it lead to?
          In the far future, I believe that religious uniformity will be replaced by spiritual unity. There will be truer manifestations of love, harmony, understanding, compassion and spirituality in our everyday lives.
          Religious organizations become less and less God's instruments when they begin to separate God's creatures one from the other, when they lose the element of  unity, which is the quality of divinity. Such organizations will disappear. Spiritual unity would be based on the knowledge that we are all extensions of the metaphoric family of God with the same inclusiveness granted to everyone. After all, we are all one. In effect, everyone is, was, and always will be a part of this spiritual unity, even right now, although most people are not aware of it. In the future, this will be acknowledged and accepted as a matter of fact by all. One wouldn't need to
choose to be a member of this familial organization of God, for everyone will recognize that they are born into it.
          What one believes or professes to believe would not be important. What traditional faith one is in would not be important. Spiritual reality would be accepted like we accept air, not something separate from life but intrinsically woven into the fabric of everyday personal reality.
          This spiritual unity would be the universal religion: the realization, acceptance and acknowledgement of God's spiritual family and reality by all, without creed, dogma, tenets or doctrine.
          Everyone would have such a personal religion and they would be the best people that you can imagine. They would manifest universal love, and behave in such a way as to leave no doubt that spiritual reality is just as real as material reality, if not more so. Churches and human religious organizations would not be necessary because spirituality would be a fundamental fact of daily life. Religion would be both personal and universal. God would be an accepted reality, a reality that would be obvious to everyone. People would fellowship together displaying all of the fruits of the spirit in their daily work and play so that spiritual values would be merged into the material aspect of life and would not be apart from everyday practicalities.

