val on Paradise. Paradise is the center of our material and spiritual universe. Since material reality and spiritual reality is superimposed on each other, the center of one is the center of the other. The seeming paradox here is that by manifesting the eternal in the now, we can be one with the First Source and Center anywhere and anytime. Because the Center is removed from time and space, we can in essence become one with it when we ourselves, even for an instant, remove our consciousness from time/space reality to dwell with the Creator. However, there is importance here in distinguishing between being "in the center of the universe" mystically, and being in the center of the universe in actuality. Being centered mystically is an inner process. Being actually in the center of the universe is an external event and is an objective and material reality that takes into account our existence and evolution as a total personality of body, mind and soul, living within an elliptical universe of both matter and spirit. Our form changes and evolves into a higher state and yet we remain as individuals. It is true that we become one with the All but we can do this without becoming nothing. We end the cycle of birth and death not by dying, but by being always alive. In the days of old, and even now in other parts of the world, life is miserable and something to escape from. In this spiritually enlightened and resplendent universe, which I believe is the case, life is grand and wonderful and something that we want eternally. We cease the cycle of existence and non-existence by always existing. In such a heightened state, as co-creators, we as individuals can manifest and identify with the All and yet be an autonomous being in harmony with the Creator's will. And as transcendent entities tested by the trials of evolutionary challenges, we will still have a purpose, even after attaining Paradise, which is to go out among the creatures of the universe to minister to them. We can see this in the fractal analogy of our human lives: we get our education in school and then we go out into the world to choose paths that are of value to us and to others. I think this pattern is inherent in our makeup, from the lowest to the highest levels. This, then, is our purpose, Paradise is our destination. Eternal life is our destiny. But how do we get there? How do we get past this life?
Life After Death
What is the process to achieving eternal life? To achieve eternal life we choose to identify with eternal values. When we value eternal things, our energies go into identifying with things that last for eternity, so that our eternal soul can evolve. When we value transient material things, our energies sink into things that are temporary, so that we, ourselves become but a temporary occurrence. Every activity can be based on eternal values and/or transient values. The simple act of making money can be for the transient value of gaining more things, but it is not necessarily so. There are eternal values such as temperance, self-control, organization, unity and insight that are necessary to making money. Conversely, even an activity such as being a religious minister can be done with transient values in mind, such as self-validation, self-aggrandizement, anger, intolerance and hatred. Temporary and transient enjoyments abound in everyday life. The temporary rush of excitement, the thrill of adventure, the appeasement of biologic desires such as food, sex and stimuli. We chase after them and even when we capture them, they are used up and are gone after a brief moment so that we must begin the chase again. Those transient experiences are not evil, they are a part of life and can be enjoyed without guilt as long as they are not destructive of life, family and relationships. But if that is all that life means to us, then life becomes but a transient and momentary flash in the scheme of eternity. If we can live life so that each moment is filled with experiences that are eternal, then we have achieved eternity in the now. If each breath of air we breathe and each sunrise and sunset is a miracle, when associating with everyday people becomes a spiritual experience, when we can look at simple wholesome food as a gourmet meal, when a casual walk becomes a thrilling experience, that is when eternal values have transcended life in the now. Of course, life in the now may not be a bowl of cherries for some. When we talk of life after death and eternal life thereafter, we imply that life is preferable to non-existence. This is an assumption that is not necessarily true. If our present life is full of pain and suffering such as when the body is wracked with a terminal illness, death may be preferable to life. Life is something that we treasure and want to continue only when it is enjoyable, when life has value. We do not want eternal life if it is a never ending time of suffering, that would be a veritable hell. It is when we are living a life of happiness that we seek to extend that experience into eternity. So again, it all comes to the now. The experience of enjoying life now by identifying with values that can transcend the now. Of being so immersed in the spirit so that life is vibrant with happiness and fulfillment. If the now is so important, one might ask, what is the value of even thinking about life after death? Lets just live in the now and forget about the afterlife, it's all speculation anyway. We'll find out after we get there, if it's real. Much of the stories regarding continuous life are speculation. However, through extrapolation and fractal analogy we get something more than just fantasy. There are also records of those who have returned, if only for a brief time, such as Jesus. Also, very interesting are documents that were ostensibly dictated by celestial beings telling us in exacting detail the transformational process of eternal life, notably The Urantia Book.