Perfection is not just a goal, it is also a state of being. From the eternal viewpoint, we are perfect. We are whole, complete, fulfilled, replete and optimized. By experiencing and being one with this perspective in the here and now, we can turn our lives into lives of relative perfection, overcome disease, attain self-mastery, and become embodiments of material and spiritual health, prosperity, and achievement. We experience this transcendental state by becoming more and more one with the divine spirit within, the still, small voice, the Christ Consciousness, the Thought Adjuster, the brahman, the true self. From the viewpoint of the transient material self, many people perceive themselves as being imperfect. But being imperfect does not mean that they are faulty, lacking in essential parts, or in error. Being imperfect just means that they have not yet fulfilled their full potential. A child is perfect as a child but imperfect and incomplete as an adult. Imperfection is relative perfection. So realize that you are not imperfect but perfect in relation to who and what you are at this time. As we grow, we are relatively perfect in our stage of growth, for everything is happening perfectly for us to learn and transform ourselves. But there is a danger to thinking of ourselves as being absolutely perfect when our perfection is only relative, which is that we can become too content and laid back, expecting things to happen without making an effort. Effort must always be joined with faith. This idea that we are absolutely perfect in the here and now is a misconception common among New Age aficionados. If we are absolutely perfect spiritual beings now, why do we need to work toward anything? Why do we need to eat? Why do we need a car? Why do we need shelter and clothing? Why do we feel pain and discomfort? If we are indeed absolutely perfect, we wouldn't need or feel any of those things. We are not absolutely perfect until we have reached our highest state of spiritual evolution. Being absolutely perfect means that all the factors leading to optimization in time and space have culminated into a totality of completeness and replete-ness. When we are absolutely perfect, we have no more room for improvement. The Creator, the First Source and Center, is absolutely perfect. This source of absolute perfection is accessible through the divine spirit within us. The more we are able to maintain the consciousness of this spirit in our daily lives, the more we manifest perfection. The more we are one with the spirit in everything we do, the better our lives are: happier, more prosperous, healthier, more compassionate, more skillful, more artistic, more inspired, more charitable, of more service and just simply more divine. Our relative perfection will become even more perfect. Our growth and learning process will become joyful and fun, without having to suffer pain as a consequence of guilt, shame, anger, intolerance and hatred - poisons of the mind. Once we have achieved the oneness of mind with the indwelling spirit within and have felt the presence of God, we can build on this until the presence is felt in every activity we do in every moment of our lives. As this eternal presence becomes manifest, every obstacle of mind, body and soul will be removed until the way is clear for total oneness with the divine spirit. Now, we're talking about a mega-transformation here. Shooting for the moon. It's something that we all have the potential for, but which most of us will not achieve in this life, but if we did, it might mean that such a fusion of soul and spirit will make the material body unnecessary. It is conceivable that we will be able to enter the next stage without the experience of mortal death, as far fetched as it may seem. But why not? We are material creatures on the precipice of spirituality. We are megamorphs, children of the universe on the threshold of a quantum transformation.