True reality is spiritual reality superimposed on material reality, and vice versa. Material reality and spiritual reality exist together, layered over each other, concurrently and simultaneously, converging at any given point. The universe of things, atoms and molecules is the same universe of spirit, God and divinity. To see true reality, one needs spiritual vision, the vision of the soul. When you look at a magnificent work of art, you see the material that went into the art: the canvas and the paint. But there is something else there that is not visible with the physical eye; the truth, beauty and the inspiration that only the soul can see. To be able to readily discern this invisible part of the world around us is spiritual vision. A person's soul is also seen in this way. A soulful singer is more than just the physical body, the vocal chords and the acquired skill, but without those things there would be no performance. Her soul is evident because her physical components are beautifully merged with her spiritual aspects to make a unified and marvelous reality. And so it is with us and the universe. Learn how to discern the spirit in all things. Practice using your spiritual vision and the wonderful world of true reality will open up more and more in all its awesome majesty. A material being conscious of spirit sees spiritual reality in the midst of matter. A spiritual being conscious of matter sees material reality in the midst of spirit. The evolving eternal soul sees true reality as a merging of matter and spirit: the universe is elliptical. The information in this book is also elliptical, a guide for your soul to operate the unified human vehicle. It can be applied directly to your everyday life. The effect it will have on bettering your life condition is the validation of these concepts, concepts based on science, philosophy and religion.
The Bottom Line
1. We are in a vehicle that is more than material. We have spiritual and mindal components and qualities that are not visible or quantifiable. But we must operate the vehicle as a whole drawing from the resources and systems of the mind and spirit as well as the physical system.
2. We are traveling in a universe that is also more than material. Our purpose in our journey across the universe is to create value in our existences, to do things that make life worth living for us and others around us. We have the ability to exercise relative free will in order to do this. However, this is a powerful tool and can be dangerous if used without intelligence, wisdom and guidance.
3. The universe, because of its sheer size and complexity, is impossible to navigate in without a reference point. The only accurate reference point is the center of the universe: the origin and source of all. Through the regular practice of going within, we can connect to this central source and daily acquire the intelligence, grow the wisdom and heed the guidance so that we can formulate methods and techniques to facilitate our adventures in time, space and spirit.
The value of connecting to the First Source has been acknowledged by the highest teachings of the sages and philosophers down through the ages and has been confirmed by the latest scientific discoveries in neuroscience. There is overwhelming scientific evidence that the inner mind can actually change the physical wiring of the brain using various meditational techniques. New brain cells can really be created by volition. Free will is an actuality, we can truly make ourselves into who and what we want to be. Whatever you may call it: meditation, worship, centering, prayer, communion, etc., there is immense benefit in its practice and when taken to the heights of its potential can change the individual from within by the attainment of cosmic consciousness.
4. Attaining cosmic consciousness is the beginning of planetary consciousness. It becomes more than just about us as individuals in a giant universe. We become one with the natural world around us. We begin to see that, literally, we are all in this together. We are bound together by the air, the water, the microbes, the animals, the clouds, the weather, and by other people. We are truly an intrinsic part of this living planet and what we do affects the course of this planet's life. The healthy growth and development of this planet rests upon us.
5. By choosing to connect regularly to the Source of All, you choose to become whole. As you become whole with yourself, the planet and the universe, there will be a natural urge within to share this consciousness with others. Acting on this will create a network of cosmically aware minds interconected with each other constituting the foundation for planetary wholeness. This will be the beginning of global consciousness and unity which will eventually result in human beings functioning as one mind of the entire living planet. It starts from each of us. The choice is yours.