Organizing The Mind

good, but in order not to feel bad. The withdrawal symptoms of ceasing such habits are too nasty for many people to even want to go there. However, if that person's health declines to the point where the behavior has to be stopped, a decision will usually be made to kick the habit, and to revitalize the body.
          Having made the decision to awaken the body, there are some methods that can be used to heighten the awareness and inherent self-healing power of the body. Yoga and tai-chi is effective as is a little known method called katsugen which exercises the autonomic (involuntary) nervous system. There are probably some others of which I am not aware. Select the one that appeals to you and that you are most comfortable with.
          To balance the body's energies when it is diseased in order to make it healthy is a problem faced by many. Medical science has made great discoveries and has accomplished much in this regard. It is not the purpose of this book to describe the numerous approaches to medicine.   
          However, in regards to soul and the process of operating the human vehicle, it is wise to take into consideration that although our physical body is a material system, it is a system that is hooked up to other components that are not just material, but also mindal and spiritual. The effect that the mind and spirit has on the body has not been explored sufficiently by western medicine, but looking at the efforts and results of practitioners of alternative medicine, it is obvious that our health is not just a result of fixing or replacing our mechanical components. In attaining health, methods that incorporate the mind and soul as parts of our total being would seem most efficacious and it would be beneficial to look into practices other than just Western medicine, practices that have proven effective such as Chinese and ayurvedic medical techniques as well as others.

Organizing The Mind

          We organize the mind by servicing it. We service it by educating it, stimulating it, and by programming it. (We also need to maintain the hardware that is the material foundation for our human mind, which is the brain, but providing the proper nutrients for the brain would fall under the category of organizing the body, as the brain is just another organ in the material self. Connecting the mind to spirit is also important but that also goes in another category, that of serving the soul. This just emphasizes the fact that the body, mind, and soul cannot be truly separated even in discussion as they are all inter-related and inter-connected as one.)
          A well organized mind is a wonder to behold. It is clear thinking, focused, sharp, graceful, intelligent, imaginative, creative, dynamic, flexible and open. One of the ways we can service the mind so that it is well organized is to nurture its ability to recognize and verify reality.
          We all have in our minds a quality that, if nurtured and sufficiently developed, can recognize and verify the true nature of reality. It is a universal gift that is a part of our minds which saves us from being fooled by lies, distortions, sophistry, untruths, and other illusions of living. It is called the Reality Response.
          This remarkable insight, this ability to see truths or its lack, are innate in the universal mind, which we all connect to, consciously and sub-consciously. Life in general tends to develop these three intuitive faculties and they are the foundations of self-awareness and reflective thinking. Unfortunately, these faculties are not well known and even less nurtured and developed. We can service the mind by consciously developing this reality response.
          When this ability is developed and unified, it produces an organized mind with a strong character that can correlate and harmonize science, philosophy, and religious experience.
           Universal reality can be recognized by mind on three levels. They are:

1. Logic (science, causation, mathematics) -- this is the realm of the physical senses, the scientific method of ascertaining facts, the ability to separate the objective and subjective, results based on concrete evidence, the mathematical proof.

2. Morality (reasoning, duty, meanings) -- the area of morals, whether personal or societal; the ability to recognize relative right and wrong and the meanings attached to action, recognition of duty, being able to judge and evaluate correctness of action through reason.

3. Spirituality (worship, inspiration, destiny)
--the domain of spiritual reality based on religious experience, the self- realization of the family of God, the recognition of spiritual values, the consciousness of eternal life, the path from finite existence to infinite existence, from imperfection to perfection, from the now to eternity.

          These three ways of looking at any given subject, if developed and sharpened, can be used to intuitively discern the cosmic reality of any given assumption or concept. I believe that it can even be used to determine the cosmic desirability of a relationship, a business proposition, or practically any activity. Of course, it would all be in relation to cosmic reality,  to the eternal perspective, rather than  to the short term, that is, the need for immediate gratification.

          For the purpose of demonstration, we will apply the concept of the Reality Response by


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