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evaluating a given assumption. As a visual aid, below is a graphic representation. We will score the assumptions for Logic, Morality, and Spirituality on a 1 to 100 scale, 100 being the highest possible score per category, 300 overall. These scores are totally arbitrary and personal. It will differ for each person.

          Just as an example, I have first graded the assumptions of voodoo. Then I did the same for psychotherapy. This is the result:


Logic                            Morality                      Spirituality                   Total

          10                                     10                                   15                            35   


           80                                    90                                    65                            235

          The best possible score being 300, my estimation is that most people with a well developed reality response will not wholeheartedly embrace a belief without having a total score of around 250 or over. In this case, given such a score, I will probably never engage in voodoo, but since my score for psychotherapy is much higher, it shows I lend it much more credence, although the score shows that there is some hesitancy to give it my full trust.
          Also, I believe the reality response is both intuitive and deductive. Deductive reasoning is necessary to pin down the facts in the area of Logic and to understand new meanings of Morality, while intuition is vital to arriving at the insights that lead to those meanings and in appreciating the values of the realm of Spirituality. However, like intuition, I think the reality response is usually quick acting, that when it is well-tuned, it will know immediately if a given assumption is in harmony with cosmic reality. But a chart like the above may be helpful in mapping out our relationship with the universe as we contemplate the decisions we face in our lives. A well developed reality response can be very instrumental in organizing the mind.
          We can also service and organize the mind by programming it. Why allow society to program and condition our minds with negativity, when we can program ourselves with positivity? One of the simplest techniques for self-programming ourselves is through affirmations. Affirmations come in many shapes and forms and can also be thought of as a form of prayer as well as service to yourself, because it works best when there is connection to spirit.
          Repeating a mantra over and over again is a form of affirmation. A mantra is a phrase that has positive meaning such as, for example, "I reside in harmony with the universe." Many Asian religions use mantras to reinforce their beliefs. Although simple, mantras are very powerful if practiced every day for long durations. I have chanted mantras for hours on end during one period of my life. Through chanting I even kicked a cold that was starting to come on.
          Another form of affirmations are written down and repeated often throughout the day. These affirmations are usually more specific than mantras. Some examples are: "I exude confidence in all that I do."  "I am a brilliant spiritual being."  "I finish what I start."
          These affirmations are effective in correcting what you see in yourself as character flaws, vices, or negative tendencies.
          It is important to remember when creating your own affirmations that they must come from your soul. You must truly identify with them and work towards that end. They are not magic wish lists that are intoned in hopes of something miraculous happening. Effort in its application is necessary and it must be done with the full cognition of the presence of the Creator and must resound in the deepest parts of your mind. Affirmations that are just surface noise have no effect at all.
          They must also be positive. Rather than write "I will not smoke." It is better to write, "I live a healthy lifestyle."  Rather than, "I do not overeat."  Write, "I eat healthily and  in moderation." It is difficult to get excited over something not to do. That is because "to not do" something is to take something away. Affirmations are the most effective when they reinforce positive actions that we add to our lives.
          There is also another way of energizing our affirmations that may seem negative but people do it subconsciously without realizing it. Every time a thought of anything unpleasant spurs you on to effort, you are essentially using this method.
          This is making use the law of physics which state that to every action, there is a reaction. To jump up, we bend our knees and shift our weight down first. To throw a ball, we first cock our arm back. To send an arrow flying outward, we must first pull the string inward. The initial motion is in reverse to the direction in which we want the object to go.
          In using this method for affirmations, think first of the things about yourself that you dislike. Think about why you dislike those aspects of yourself. Don't make any excuses about them or try to analyze yourself, just let them stay in your awareness for a while. Then, allow the natural positive-ness inside you to assert what you want to do about it. Let your thoughts spring into where you're going - the desires you have, the dreams you are working towards, your aspirations, let it all come out like fireworks. Fill your thoughts with affirmations of making all those things come true. Stay in that space until you are satisfied. Go into spiritual meditation if you desire.


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