Space between things must be well organized. We cannot cram everything in a room, otherwise there would be no space to live. There must be proper spacing between parts of a machine for the device to function. There must be spacing within a system for an organizational structure to have flow. Space between moments of time is what makes time. If there was no space between moments, everything would happen simultaneously. Time as we know it would cease to exist. The amount of space we place between events makes for variations in the flow of life, just as the amount of space between notes in music creates patterns in the flow of melody. We service our awareness of space by giving ourselves space. We give ourselves space by nurturing the stillness, the quietness, and the wholeness of life. This awareness is, again, not a clenching or grasping, but a letting go, a relaxing.
Wider Associations Through Service
As we evolve, our sphere of associations become wider, from the family to city, to the nation, to our planet and to our universe. Our relationships to these ever widening circle of personalities is enhanced, supported and promoted by loving service. We serve the members of our family and our friends and loved ones, our close and immediate associations, daily. The things we do for them are varied and many. We may cook for them, earn money for them, shelter them, buy clothes for them, support them in their activities, advise them, listen to them, play with them, love them and more. The amount of service we do for those who are outside of our immediate circle is probably less. We may serve our employer and fellow employees by doing a good job, being friendly and cheerful, supporting the company functions, and by generally being helpful. The service we do for the community and/or church may be things such as attending gatherings, helping with social programs such as feeding and clothing the needy, supporting fund drives and other assistance when asked for. The service that we may do for the city and state may consist of paying taxes, volunteering for social service and participating in elections and other political events. The service for the nation may be in joining the military, voting, participating in the political process, and contributing money and time to national social programs. The service we do for the planet may be to help conserve our environmental resources, support movements to end hunger and poverty, to educate, and to work for peace. The service we do for the universe may simply be to just identify with the All, to be one with the Creator, to achieve cosmic consciousness, for seemingly much of what is outside the Earth is outside of our sphere of influence. But it is not so. What we do here does impact the rest of the universe. Every part of the universe is intrinsically linked and what happens to the part happens to the whole, as what is of the now is of the eternal. The service that we do enhances, vitalizes and nurtures our existence and our personal relationships in ever widening spheres of dynamic endeavors. Service mobilizes our unified human vehicle in the performance range of breadth.