and is only partially conscious of its soul and spirit, if at all. The soul is stunted, not allowed any freedom of expression or contact with the spirit; the spirit is forgotten, left in the dim corners of the mind, the mind ignoring it as much as it can. Such a human vehicle is sad to behold, especially when it started out as a superb, beautiful, wonderful creation. Looking at it is like seeing a classic automobile, once a sparkling marvel of design and invention, with its body now rusted, the paint peeling, parts missing, the interior dilapidated, the engine not functioning, the wheels falling off, a veritable derelict only suited for the junkyard. A human vehicle in such a condition may have been due to circumstances beyond the person's control, such as upbringing, economic situations, and medical problems. The good news is that, whatever may have happened in the past, it is within our control to uplift ourselves from such a dire condition Like an old classic automobile, the human vehicle can be restored. The spirit is the master restorer. By following the direction of the spirit, the body can regain its health, the mind can begin to think clearly, and the soul can continue its inspired evolution. The process of restoration and continued maintenance is worshipful meditation, uplifting prayer and loving service, all powered by faith. This is service of the self at its highest.
Coordinating Things, People, Time and Space Through Service
Another movement across the breadth of life is manifested in our ability to coordinate people, things, time and space, and the act of loving service lubricates this movement to lessen friction and resistance and to increase momentum and quality of experience. Coordinating people is best done in service. By serving people, acting not only in their best interest but with the true golden rule in mind, we connect with them, not just with our minds, but with our hearts. Intellectual communication may form bridges, but it is service, the heart to heart interaction of souls that is the substance of true spiritual value that travels across that bridge to create bonding. Service is selfless, but it is not necessarily self-sacrificing. The best service is done from the perspective of the All, from the eyes of the Creator, so that the benefit gained is for everyone, as much as is possible Service, for the purpose of self-validation, self-aggrandizement, and for appeasing social and familial pressure, is not true service. True service is for the whole and not the part. True service must come from the soul, by reasoning of mind and through the leadings of the spirit. Intention must be balanced with expertise. One has to be able to implement good intentions with the right techniques, or else service is not accomplished. Good intentions without good implementation can result in disservice, while any action without good intentions is false and deceptive. Coordinating things, such as events, matter/energy, and systems, is also best accomplished through service. This service of things can be done through scheduling (events), coordinating and organizing the material and electrical parts of a machine (matter/energy), and by working on the dynamic structure of an organization (systems). Coordinating time is also service oriented, for we must service our sense of timing. We must be cognizant of the lapse of time, the opportune time, the relationship of our past, the present, and the future and the synchronicity of events in time. A person who is aware of the dynamics and import of time is consistently on time. We service this faculty within us of being conscious of time through effort. We must place a certain amount of importance to it and work towards getting a firm handle on it. A person who is always late and seems to have bad timing usually does not realize its importance and has not made much effort in working with time. Coordinating space is a concept that may be hard to grasp, as space is usually thought of as nothingness, a vacuum. How do we coordinate nothingness? Think of it as the space between people, between things, between the moments of time. Space is pivotal to the function of all the above. If there is no space, everything would run into each other and nothing would work. How much space we place between us and other people are important. Not enough space and we are deprived of privacy. Too much space and we are isolated.