the Universal Creator. It is the superconscious, joyous and loving act of recognizing and acknowledging the truth of the intimate relationships of the Creator with us as we are connected through our indwelling spirit to the First Universe Source in the center of space and time. We are attracted by the love gravity of this all powerful source so that we are drawn to evolve in form and consciousness through time and space. Being superconsciousness, true worshipful meditation is not a trance state or any state of consciousness where we are only dimly aware of our body, mind and surroundings. It is not a state of lesser consciousness, but a state of heightened perception. It is the awareness of communicating with the divine Creator spark within. By tapping into the source of all sources, one can gather strength, wisdom and energy for the ordinary problems of life. It is also good for drawing the spiritual energy necessary for the solution of the higher problems of a moral and spiritual nature. By becoming one with the All, one can transcend the material world and its lures as well as its pains. The regular regimen of worshipful meditation and prayer keeps the channel to the Source open and clear. It is like flushing a water hose to keep it from clogging. This makes it possible for spiritual experiences to happen at any time. By always having a clear channel to spirit, one gives the opportunity for spirit to communicate with you wherever and whenever the moment is right. The quality of your worship is determined by your depth of perception; your organismal drives and the realization of your divine nature. As your knowledge of the infinite character of the All progresses, your act of worship will become so all-encompassing that it will eventually attain to be the highest delight and the most exquisite pleasure known to creatures. Meditation can be beneficial to the soul, whether it is spiritual, mindal or mystical, but there are ways that it can be abused. Be extremely aware that spectacular "fireworks", states of ecstasy, pleasurable vibrations, etc. are only signs of validation, signposts, not the goal itself. Take care not to be fooled by them. True worshipful meditation is being still, giving your full attention to the Source and Center of All. It is a very simple thing and a simple feeling, that, when repeatedly made manifest, becomes a very powerful force.
Dangers of Extreme Mysticism
In attempting any type of mystical meditation as the technique of contacting the consciousness of the Creator, one should take care that such practices do not lead to social isolation and result in religious fanaticism. We know enough of the human mind to know that much too frequently that which the so-called mystic interprets as divine inspiration is coming from his own deep mind. One can be much more sure that one has contacted the divinity within when one has wholeheartedly and lovingly been of service in unselfish ministry to one's fellow creatures. The point is to have the awareness of the Creator on a superconscious level, not on the subconscious level. There is also danger associated with the habitual practice of spiritual daydreaming; it can become a method of reality avoidance, notwithstanding that it can also be a source of genuine spiritual insight. The essence of divinity is unity, to be one with everybody, that is why prolonged isolation is not conducive to spiritual growth of the entire personality.
Signs of Extreme Mystical Meditation
o social isolation o religious fanaticism o gravitating toward sub-consciousness rather than superconscious o mental dissociation o abnormal mental manifestations o making it a technique of reality avoidance o prolonged isolation of personality o cultivation of trancelike state o diffusion of consciousness on a passive intellect
Spiritual, Mindal, and Mystical
Mindal meditation is a wonderful technique that is as important to our health and well being as physical exercise. Recent scientific discoveries such as documented in "Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain" by Sharon Begley show that our external brains can be rewired through an inner process - meditation. We can actually create new brain cells by willing it. The implications are immense. Free will is not a fantasy, we can be who we want to be given the effort. However, the Buddhist meditational practices mentioned in that book are strictly mindal. It is not worshipful meditation because those Buddhists do not believe in a divine Creator. They do not worship. They meditate on feelings like compassion, on being, on thought. When monks with tens of thousands of hours of meditation were wired up to appropriate machines, the data