Converting Mind Chatter

confirmed that brain cells were being created in the part of the brain that was responsible for generating the feeling of compassion, or whatever the focus of the meditation was.
          In spiritual worshipful meditation, the mind is not so much concerned with itself and its processes, as in allowing the soul to contact the Creator. But why not use the methods and techniques of mindal meditation to create new brain cells in that part of the brain that reaches out to the Source, the Creator, God? By meditating on the Creator of the universe, can we strengthen that part of our brain that connects with the Creator, by creating more brain cells there? There is no clinical evidence for this, yet, but my personal experimentation has given me results that support that conjecture. I encourage clinical researchers  to explore this avenue.
          So mindal meditation can easily lead to spiritual meditation if the focus of the mind transcends to the spiritual. In other words, worshipful meditation will not happen unless the mind recognizes spirit and allows it to happen.
          In a sense, spiritual meditation is consciousness of connecting with everything - the internal and external realities; yourself, others, the environment and God. Mindal meditation is consciousness of the body, mind and its processes. Mystical meditation is consciousness of selected parts of inner realities. Mystical meditation disassociates the mind from external reality in order to go into a trancelike state. Spiritual meditation associates the mind with inner and outer reality to go into a heightened perceptive state. Spiritual meditation is unifying, mystical meditation can be isolating. Spiritual and mindal meditation focuses the consciousness on a dynamic intellect, mystical meditation diffuses the consciousness on a passive intellect. In order to keep from straying from the consciousness of the external and internal to just the internal, keep your consciousness of the external world awake. To keep the meditation from being just mindal, put God into the mix. Be always conscious of yourself, where you are and the universe around you, from the micro to the macro, and from the personal to the impersonal, from just yourself to all the personalities in the universe.
          As there are various ways for attaining this state, the following are only some of the many methods created for worshipful meditation. These deep meditational states take practice. If you have no experience in  such things don't expect amazing results right away. (Transcendent results may occur immediately but they are the exception and not the rule.)  Regularity and persistence is key. Designate a place in your home for this activity, or not, some people just like to take walks. Some people hang an inspirational picture on a wall and sit in front of it, using it to focus their mind. I have a small Buddhist altar, a remnant of the time I spent in Buddhist practice. Feel free to be creative or to use traditional methods, do what makes you comfortable.
          Begin with just a few minutes every day, getting into the habit of sitting down and devoting a hundred percent of your being to accomplishing this. Remember, this is a pleasurable experience. Come away from each session with something positive, even if it is just the appreciation of having time to spend relaxed, unhurried, and devoted to self-improvement. Think of your personal spiritual growth as of the utmost priority, because it is. Realize that the rest of your day is based on these moments of inner work.
          This can be as simple as setting aside time everyday to be with God, so that you can share your inner life with her. Sharing your inner life can mean speaking to her as you would to someone next to you, out loud or in your head. Or it could mean just the opposite, being silent and one with the stillness. There are a variety of ways to express your true inner being. Remember, she is there, in you and all around you. The only way you will be unable to feel her presence is if your receiving mechanism is clogged by your own interference so that it is jammed with static. This interference may be caused by a having too many locked boxes inside. Unlock the boxes, learn to let go, open up and relax. It is easy as basking in the sun.
          The following exercises do not have to be done exactly as is written. Use them as reference so that you can create what works best for you.

Converting Mind Chatter

          One of the greatest obstacles to being mentally still is mind chatter. Thoughts come unbidden, seemingly out of nowhere. Try to think of nothing and everything fills the mind.
          It is possible to convert this noisy energy into peace and tranquility. Instead of fighting this flow of thought, relax into it. Go more deeply into each and every thought that appears. Become hyperaware and superconscious of the internal and external; inspect and analyze every little sound that you hear, every irritating itch on your skin, every reminder of your past. Delve fully into each and every chattering thought until you are mentally exhausted. Then, suddenly, think, what is left? Take away all of those conscious thoughts and see into the core of your mind. Look beyond into the space behind the mind chatter and what will you find?
          If you have found even a split second of nothingness, you will have found a basis for the stillness. For in nothingness, there is everything. Practice going to this space everyday until you can transport yourself there at will. From that stillness will come a feeling of the eternal presence, the First Source.

Exploring the Universe/The One and the Whole

          Place yourself somewhere quiet where you will not be bothered. Relax and settle in to yourself.
          Use your imagination and think of your spirit inside your body. Realize who you are on the deepest level inside: your ideals, motivations, your desires. Think of the people closest to you: your family members, your friends and loved ones. Then think of your body in the room you are in. Think of your body in


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