Spiritual Treatment For Cosmic Health

the room in the house. Think of your body in the room in the house in the neighborhood. Think of your body in the room in the house in the neighborhood in your part of the city or town. At the same time think of all the people that inhabit each geographic level of your awareness. Send out your appreciation and love to them all. Continue with this and increase the scale by increments: the city to the county, the county to the state, the state to the country, the country to the continent, the continent to the planet, the planet to the solar system, the solar system to the galactic spiral arm and on and on until you come to the entire universe as you know it, but always keeping in mind that the myriads of personalities are what really gives meaning and value to the material universe.
          Identify with the whole universe. Imagine the countless beings all connected together through the Universe Creator. Imagine the waves crashing on countless shores. Winds whistling through a billion forests, love flowing through a multitude of hearts. Know that you are one with them. That the universe is friendly. Be at peace with everything. Become everything and you can become as nothing - still and in harmony with all. And then realize that it was created by a divine being, the First Source and Center, our Universal Creator, God.

          The above is a little exercise that you can do on a regular basis without preparation. There are many more out there that you can find in books. Use the one that speaks to you. I used to do the one above quite often until it evolved into the spiritual treatment below that I occasionally offer people. It is a bit more extensive and entails either memorizing the process or having cards beside you with the written words. When used by yourself, just make it first person by changing the appropriate pronouns and adjusting the phrasing ("I appreciate my life," rather than "thank you for living.")
          Although affirmations to oneself can be very effective, when you use affirmations on others, it has more power, as it is always more empowering to have someone else tell you positive things about yourself. When doing the below process, have the person you are treating lie down in a comfortable place and sit right next to the person's head. Gently place your index finger or your palm on the person's head. This soft laying on of hands generates qi energy which keeps the person's awareness attached to the universe, rather than having it become isolated. Take a few moments of quiet time to relax and then softly speak the words to the subject. (It is not necessary to mention the titles in bold print.)

Spiritual Treatment For Cosmic Health

1. Affirmations
          You are, in your true form, a brilliant spiritual being. You deserve the best that the universe has to offer. You receive freely and give freely. Everything is fine. You are master of yourself. The rewards from your efforts increase everyday. The universe is friendly and God loves you. You are fine. You are happy. All is well.

2. Appreciations
          Thank you for living! Thank you for having the unique qualities that help make the world a better place! The world rejoices in your life and we are glad of your existence! You are truly appreciated! You make a difference just by being alive!

3. Relaxing
          Relax. Health, strength, power, love and peace of mind come from knowing how to relax. The more you relax now, the better you will be later. Each time you relax to your deepest level, you have the ability to re-create yourself. To re-make yourself into a better person: stronger, healthier, smarter and more spiritual. Right now is the time to relax.

4. Soul Identification
          In your relaxed state, casually look at the part of you which is the heart of your heart. The very best part of you: your soul. Your soul is free and has purpose and volition. Which means you can do what
you truly want to do, coming from the very best part of you: your soul. So feel your soul. Be your soul. You are your soul. What does your soul desire in life? No need to think deeply because your soul already knows. Put your soul's desires in an imaginary envelope and set it aside.

5. The Part & The Whole
          In your mind, see yourself as you rest here. Now, see your home. Home can be the house or building you live in but also the home of your heart, where all the people that are close to you, your family, friends and loved ones live. Appreciate each and every one of them. Now see your neighborhood and the people you know that live there. Send them your love. Now, do the same


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